
شركه سعوديه رائده في تقديم خدمات الاعمال التجاريه
بكل احترافيه نطلق معك في استثمارك داخل المملكه العربيه السعوديه

اسس كيانك التجاري
وجعلنا نقدم لك حزمه من خدمات الاعمال التجاريه

اصدار الترخيص الاستثماري للمختلف الانشطه الاقتصاديه
الصحيه و الصناعيه والتجاريه والتقنيه وغيرها من الانشطه من وزاره الاستثمار السعوديه

نوفر لك جميع الخدمات الخاصه لاستثمارك التجاري تاسسيس الشركات واصدار السجل التجاري وخدمات تاشيرات الزياره والعمل استخراج كافه التراخيص والموافقات الجهات الحكوميه وفتح الحسابات البنكيه
والمزيد من الخدمات

اجعلنا ان نكون حلقه الوصل بينك وبين شركئنا مكاتب التوظيف ومكاتب خدمات التاجير والعقارات ومكاتب التخليص الجمركي ومكاتب المحاماه ومكاتب المحاسبه وغيرهم من الشركاء بمختلف التخصصات

فريقنا جاهز لاستقبال اي استفسار

للتواصل :0096502629636
البريد : الاكتروني : b.albatil@govlinksa.com


Sea of Languages for Translation:

It is an Establishment concerned with translating all basic languages such as Arabic, English, Italian, German, French, Portuguese, and Spanish.

As well as some secondary languages such as Hindi, Bengali, Russian, and Mandarin Chinese

About us:

Roots of the Sea of Languages for Translation:

This establishment was born from long-established institutions that obtained ISO certificates for quality in the field of translation in terms of translation safety, speed, accuracy and excellence. It has a long history in this field and inherited from them some competent employees in the field of translation and designs who have long experience.

It provides additional services such as decoding details of scientific linguistic abbreviations, including medical, engineering, accounting, legal, and other well-known scientific fields.


The Establishment is not limited to providing translation only. The institution has a rich and full archive. It is known that translation must be accompanied by technical skill in choosing the basic terms that represent a deep understanding and the arrangement that leads to the correct understanding, along with providing file services, where it preserves translation records related to large and well-established companies. If requested to do so, in addition to the fact that the translation provided by this institution is accepted to be certified by all government entities, embassies and courts inside and outside the Kingdom.

Our advantages:

The translated file system is presented in an organized manner that allows the customer to take backup copies one month later.

Offers Reasonable Prices.

The establishment uses senior translators who have mastered and learned languages from native to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the translation.

Cooperation in everything that makes the client comfortable in order to reach his goal.


King Abdullah Street, next to Mama Noura Restaurant

Mobile: 0541062442

Our message:

Providing distinguished services that achieve your satisfaction

Our goal:

Let us always be your favorite destination for translation

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